Human body is constituted of various systems. ‘System’ means the arrangement of organs in our body in such a way that all the organs are mutually interdependent and work under a well-set procedure. These various systems are inter-linked. Following are the systems of human body:
Parts of the whole human body where yoga has an effect yoga effects on human body
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Circulatory System
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Nervous System
Endocrine System
Excretory System
Reproductory System
Yoga plays an important role in activating and maintaining the health of these various systems. The following effects are noted on the ‘human body systems’ through various yoga exercises.
Effect of Yoga on the Skeletal System
The skeleton system props up the whole body. There are 206 bones in our body, which are made with minerals, salts and organic substances, and are of various shapes and sizes. The skeleton system performs the important function of providing protection to delicate organs (brain, heart, lungs, etc.), of balancing and propping up the body. Regular yoga exercises produce the following effects on skeleton system:
Flexibility of joints
Helpful in removing disorders like hunch-back, flat foot, curvature of spine
Bone diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatism, etc. are cured
Increase in the length of bones
Makes the bones and ligaments capable of bearing more pressure
Enhancement in the work-efficiency / stamina of the body
Effect of Yoga on Circulatory System
The body needs energy for work, which is supplied by food. The muscles in the body need nutrition andoxygenextremely. It is the circulatory system which carries nutrition and oxygen to the muscles through blood stream.
Following are the effect of regular yoga exercise on this system:
Regularity in heart-beats
Increase in the volume of strokes
Lowering the level of bad cholesterol and raising the level of good cholesterol (H.D.L.)
Increase in the number and work-efficiency of cells
Increase in the number of red blood corpuscles (RBC)
Increase in the number of white blood corpuscles (WBC) Decrease in exhaustion / tiredness
Regularization of lipid profile, i.e. irregularities/ disorders of cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, etc. are removed
Accelerated Recovery Time
Improved immunity
Effect of Yoga on Respiratory System
The function of respiratory system is to absorb oxygen and to release carbon dioxide. Oxygen is required to supply energy and suitable temperature to body. The regular practice of yoga has the following effects on respiratory system:
Regulating the respiratory process
Decrease in the rate of breathing
Strengthening the diaphragm and muscles
Inactive alveoli are activated
Increase in the volume of residual air
Increase in the size of lungs and chest
Extremely beneficial in heart and respiratory diseases
Many respiratory diseases, like cold, cough, allergy, asthma, sinusitis, etc. are prevented/ cured
Diseases/disorders of thyroid and tonsils are cured
Increase in vital power
Effect of Yoga on Urinary System
The excretion of waste harmful fluids and chemicals from human body is done by urinary system. It also purifies the blood by excreting uric acid, toxins, etc. The regular yogic exercises have the following effect on urinary system:
Better functioning
Protection from renal disorders
Maintaining normal body temperature
Proper excretion of waste products (faeces, urine)
Effects of Yoga on Digestive System
The function of digestive system is to supply energy to the body through absorption in blood by converting the food taken by fluid substances. The regular practice of yoga has the following effecton digestive system :
Regulates the digestive system
Improves the appetite
Cures constipation
Efficiency in the digestion and absorption of food
Better storage of the requisite elements in the body
Efficient performance by the glands
Helps relieve digestive disorders, like flatulence, constipation, acidity, diabetes, etc.
Keeps the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestines healthy
Effects of Yoga on Nervous System
Nervous system controls various organs of the body, and regulates them properly by taking care of them. There is a network of microscopic nāḍīs and nerves in human body. We gain perception and cognition through these nāḍīs. Nervous system brings about adjustment between internal and atmospheric changes. The regular practice of yoga effects nervous system in following ways:
Strengthening and activating neurons Improving mental capacity
Balance between emotions and actions
Cures Parkinson’s disease, nervous debility, etc
Change in negative thinking and enhancement in positive thinking
Abatement in the feelings of fear, despondency, tension and anxiety, and increase in enthusiasm, interest, intrepidity and cheerfulness
Abatement in negative emotions, like anger, frustration, despondency and indifference.
Effect of Yoga on Endocrine System
Endocrine glands secrete various hormones. They are also known as ductless glands. Hormones regulate most of the functions of the body in collaboration with nerves. The main glands in human body are pituitary, thyroid, para-thyroid, thymus and adrenal. The effects of yoga on endocrine system are as follows:
Helps glands secrete hormones in proper quantity and maintain their proper level in the blood
Makes the metabolism healthy
Helps in the growth and development of body according to age.
Effect of Yoga on Muscular System
Various limbs and organs of human body are made of cells and tissues. Muscles are constituted with these cells and tissues. Muscles provide a definite shape, protection and activation to our basic skeleton of bones. In fact, in the absence of muscles, we would have been sitting in one place like an inanimate object. Yoga has the following effects on our muscles:
Makes the muscles strong
Makes the muscles flexible
Maintains the compactness of body
Beneficial in obesity, debility, etc.
Effect of Yoga on Reproductory System
Nature has endowed all creatures with the power of increasing their tribe, so that he can procreate a being like himself. This faculty of a human being or some other creature is called ‘reproduction’.
All limbs and organs in the human body making the reproduction capacity possible are known as ‘reproductory system’. The regular practice of yoga produces the following effects on reproductory system:
Better functioning of reproductory organs
Helps cure impotency and infertility
Helpful in the treatment of venereal diseases
Cures urinary diseases, spermatorrhea and onanism.
After learning about the effects of yoga on various systems of human body, it is very important to know as to which yoga exercise influences the process of which system in human body. Here is the list of important yoga practices suitable for various systems in the body.