The Power of Pranayama Understanding Its effects and Benefits

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pranayama benefits
pranayama benefits

What is pranayam and pranayama benefits

The controlling of praṇa (life-breath) is Prāṇāyāma. All the actions r body are related to prāṇa, directly or indirectly. The derivation of the word ‘prana’ is ‘pra+Van+ac+ghan’, which means ‘breath’, ‘vital power’, and the ‘basic element of life’, etc. Thus, the practice of pranayama is not merely breathing in and breathing out; it is rather imbibing vital power or life-energy along with the element of air. Prāṇa permeates each part of the body. This pranic energy is active in the body day and night incessantly. Go on, go on (caraiveti, caraiveti) is its guiding motto.

Pranayama : Freedom from Stress

There are many causes of stress and tension in today’s hectic rat-race of life. Prāṇāyāma is an infallible and natural way of relieving stress, which has also been proved by various modern researches and experiments.

pranayama : Its Effect on Hormones

The secretion of hormones like endorphins and encephalins is balanced by doing Prāṇāyāma and yoga. Research is being done these days that during the period of grief and depression, the quantity of hormones like serotinin, dopamine and noradrenaline becomes unbalanced practice, which on being regularized through the of Prāṇāyāma, yoga, meditation and satsang, a man feels happy and enthusiastic.

pranayama Antioxidant Effect

When we increase physical labour, the body needs a lot of oxygen. On the other hand, the ratio of oxygen in comparison with carbon dioxide is increased through the procedure of Praṇāyāma, which enhances the activity of blood purification and all cells of the body get the required amount of oxygen, and they are properly nourished by the energy generated after the process of oxygenation. Thus, with the Praṇāyāma procedure, the necrosis and degeneration processes affecting cells and organs of the body can be slowed down. We can call Prāṇāyāma a possible antioxidant.

Disciplining the Pranas (PRAN ASADHANA): Pranayama Procedure

Prana permeates each part of the body. Life lasts as long as pranic energy functions in the body. When this energy stops functioning, a person is called dead. Our body is activated by the energy of prana. One can stay alive for some time without food, but without prāna life comes to an end immediately. It is pranic energy that forms the basis of our life force and immunity. It is prāṇa that makes our whole body healthy and energetic, including all the main glands, heart, lungs, brain and spine. It is from pranic energy that the power of seeing in eyes; of hearing in ears, of smelling in the nose; sweetness in speech; lustre, glow and radiance on the face; the cognitive power in the brain; and the digestive power in the stomach keep functioning. The main passage for prana is the nose, and the prana goes in and out of the body through nostrils. Inhalation and exhalation form the basis of life and Praṇāyāma. When the breath (prāna) enters the body, it is not merely air or oxygen that goes inside, it is rather an uninterrupted inflow of divine energy that sustains the life-force in the body. Therefore, Prāṇāyāma is not merely inhaling and exhaling; it means assimilating life – force and vital energy along with the inhaled air. This vital power permeates and exists all the time. We may call it by any name – Isvara, God, Khuda, etc., but that Supreme power is one only and the practice of connecting with it properly and keeping yourself connected is Präṇāyāma. In other words, we may also call it Prāņa – sadhana (disciplining of prana). After studying the prana – tattva deeply, we can make the following important observations:
  • PRĀŅA is AGNI, ASVINĪKUMARAS and HARI dispelling diseases, disorders and ignorance of the mind.
  • Prana is the giver of new life like father and mother. Also, it is the acārya (preceptor) purifying our mind, character and intellect and the brahmana leading us to Brahman.
  • Prana is the most excellent, powerful and sacred principle. We salute Präna.
In the context of pranic lore, the Indian tradition of knowledge, science, experience and research is very rich, and in future too, for many acons, the prana principle will need to be researched upon.

Other Important Pranayama benefits and effects

In the present-day scenario, there is a lot of interest about Pranayama, but its’ full benefits can be reaped only when it is done with proper method and procedure. For this, it is very necessary to know about the functional changes that take place in our body by doing Pranayama.
  • Pranayama is an anabolic (upacaya) procedure which makes our blood circulation balanced and streamlined.
  • In Pranayama, the diaphragm must necessarily be involved in the breathing process. This generates vibrations in abdominal organs and important blood vessels.
  • By KAPALABHĀTI and BHASTRIKĀ, not only are the blockages of arteries removed, even the possibility of their building up again is eliminated if Pranayama is done regularly. The contracting and expanding of diaphragm also benefits the emotional system.
  • Prāṇāyama balances and streamlines the functioning of endocrine glands.
  • Through the process of breathing with each nostril in ANULOMA – VILOMA, we are helped in maintaining balance in the brain by NĀDĪVIJÑĀNA.
  • There is a strong bond between respiratory rate, heart-rate and brain’s nervous system. If the breathing rate becomes slower, this bond gets stronger and one experiences spiritual tranquillity, high blood pressure gets normal, blood sugar comes in its normal range, and heart-rate also becomes normal.
  • While asanas make our gross body healthy, beautiful, proportionate and attractive, Prāṇāyāma makes our subtle body, mind, intellect, psyche and thinking balanced. Exercise gives us strength and firmness at physical level, and Präṇāyāma at mental level.
  • ‘Prana’ controls each cell (the smallest unit of the body) and the inner structure of that cell as well as the indisciplined growth, decay and disintegration of genes and chromosomes, and protects us against fatal diseases like cancer. Oxygen (prana) keeps the healthy human cells alive and also makes them stronger and healthier. Everybody knows that healthy cells live on oxygen only. But at the same time, prāṇa destroys the unhealthy cells affected by cancer, tuberculosis, etc. and protects us. This has been proved and confirmed by scientific research.
  • Pranayama is specially beneficial in activating and balancing our main systems like endocrine glands, internal organs, reproductory system, respiratory system, etc. and their being healthy has a great impact on our entire physical and mental health.