About Indian Mustard
It is a annual plant like mustard and is 2-3 Ft tall. The leaves have long stalk and are deeply serrated. The upper leaves to a foot long and may or may not be serrated. The up stem has tiny leaves or viels. The flowers are shiny yellow. The pod is 1-2 inch long, slightly pressed down from the top with a very small beaklike tip. The seeds are reddish brown, shrinked and slightly smaller than mustard seeds.Chemical Composition & Properties of Indian Mustard
The seeds contain an oil and myrocin, sinigrin, and sinapin etc.It is strong, bitter, warm and somewhat dry. It cures kapha and pitta. It promotes digestive power and cures dermatoses. It is also anthelmintic.Medicinal usage Mustard
Mustard use in Delirium
Apply paste of Indian mustard on throat. In case the skin turns red, remove the paste and apply gheeor oil.
Indian Mustard use in Glandular boil of armpit
To cure the tumour, grind jaggery, gugullu and Indian mustard and then mix the powder in water. Apply it on the bandage and then stick it on the boil. The boil ripes and then gets dissolved.
Indian Mustard use in Otitis
If due to delirium fever or due to any ulcer or boil in ear, the ear swells. Mix Indian Mustard flour in mustard oil or castor oil and apply this paste. It reduces the swelling.
Indian Mustard use in Stye
In case of boils on eyelids, apply paste of Indian mustard in ghee. It gives immediate relief.
Indian Mustard use in Chronic rhinits (in case of boil in nose)
Take 10 Mustard flour, 1.5 gm camphor and 100 gm ghee. Mix the three and apply the paste. It causes sneezing which releases the cough and impurities and cleanses the nose. Now mix camphor and white catechu in ghee and apply this on the ulcer. It helps the ulcer heal fast.
Indian Mustard use in Toothache
Mix Indian Mustard in water and give this to the patient for gargles
Indian Mustard use in Baldness
Use hot or cold infusion of Indian Mustard to rinse the hair. It controls hair fall. It also cures boils and dandruff in. It is also effective in killing the head lice.
Indian Mustard use in Headache
Apply paste of Indian mustard on forehead.
Indian Mustard use in Acute rhinitis
Give 500 mg to 750 mg Indian mustard mixed with 1 gm sugar, with cold water. It cures rhimitis.
Indian Mustard use in Bronchitis and bronchial asthma
Give 500 mg Indian mustard powder with ghee and honey, every morning and evening. It cures cough and also cures bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
Indian Mustard use in Heart disorders
In case of weakness of heart and feeling of restlessness and anxiety, massage the Indian mustard powder on hands and lower side of foot.
Indian Mustard use in Cholera
In case of excessive vomiting during cholera, apply the paste of Indian mustard on the obdominal area. It controls vomiting.
Any type of vomiting and loose motions can be controlled by applying paste of Indian mustard. 3. In early stage of cholera, give 1 gm Indian mustard sugar to the patient.
Indian Mustard use in Piles
In case of itching in boils or boils are thick and do Secrets of Indian Herbs for Good Health not pain when touched, apply the oil of Indian mustard on the boils
Indian Mustard use in Indigestion and abdominal pain
Give 1-2 gm Indian mustard powder with sugar followed by 1/2-cup water
Indian Mustard use in Flatulence
Give 2 gm Indian mustard powder with sugar followed by 750 mg to 1 gm limestone powder mixed in 1/2-cup water
Indian Mustard use in Amenorrhoea
In case of obstruction in menstrual cycle or reduced bleeding, mix Indian mustard powder in water and let the woman sit in this water
Indian Mustard use in Uterine carcinoma
In case of cancer in uterus, rinse the uterus with Indian Mustard soaked water, 2-3 times a week. Soak 25 Indian Mustard in 1 cup cold water, crush the seeds and prepare mucilage and then mix in 750 warm water and use as douche.
Indian Mustard use in Uterus pain
In case of severe pain in uterus, apply the paste of Indian mustard in abdominal area. This can be done repeatedly
Indian Mustard use in Cough
In case the phlegm is so thick that it does not get released easily, take 500 mg Indian Mustard, 250 mg rock salt and sugar candy. Mix them all and give this to the patient every morning and evening. It dilutes the phlegm which then gets easily released from the body.
Indian Mustard use in Sciatica
Apply paste of Indian mustard on the painful area in sciatica.
Indian Mustard use in Joints pain/hemeplegia
In case of swelling of joints due to gout or gonorrhea or in case of early paralysis, massage with the paste of mustard mixed with camphor on the effected areas.
Indian Mustard use in Pain due to sprain
Grind Indian mustard and sugar, apply on the bandage, and place the bandage on the painful area.
In case of mild and prolonged pain, mix Indian mustard with bark of drumstick plant in buttermilk and apply the paste on the painful area.
Indian Mustard use in Internal pain and swelling
In case of disorders which cause swelling and internal burning sensation, Indian mustard is beneficial. In case of swelling of lungs, bronchioles, liver, air passages and brain, paste of Indian mustard is very effective. In case of weakness of heart, apply paste of Indian mustard on hands, feet and chest.
Indian Mustard use in Thorn
In case a thorn or a metal is pierced into the skin, apply paste of Indian mustard powder with ghee a honey. The thorn moves upwards and can then be easily taken out
Indian Mustard use in Dermatoses
Mix Indian mustard powder in eight times the amount of old ghee and apply the paste on the affected area.It cures and clears the scars.
This paste is beneficial in scabies, eczema and other such skin disorders
Indian Mustard use in Ear discharge and ulcer
Boil 100 gm sesame oil or mustard oil. Let the oil cool. Mix 10 gm Indian Mustard, 10 gm garlic, 1.5 gm camphor in the oil and cover it. When the oil cools completely, strain the solution and store it in a bottle. Pour 4-5 drops of this oil in the ears. It cures bleeding from the ears and heals the wound.
In case of infection in boil or wound, mix 24 gm Indian mustard powder in honey and apply the paste on the wound or boil. It kills the germs and heals the wound.
Indian Mustard use in Swelling
In case of twisting of hands or legs, the area may get swollen. In such cases, take castor leaves and smear them with Indian Mustard oil and tie the leaves on the affected area.
Grind Indian mustard and salt in water and apply the paste on the affected area.
Indian Mustard use in Tumour
In case of twisting of hands or legs, the area may get swollen. In such cases, take castor leaves and smear them with Indian Mustard oil and tie the leaves on the affected area.
In case of tumour in a part of the body, take equal quantities of Indian mustard and black pepper powder and mix them in ghee. Apply this paste on the affected area. It cures the growth of tumour. It is useful in curing tumour.