Lie supine on the ground. Keep a distance of one foot between the legs and keep both the hands open pointing upwards at some distance from the thighs. Close the eyes, keep the neck straight and relax the whole body. Gently inhale and exhale four to five deep breaths. Now, one has to visualize each part of the body through the mind with the resolution and feeling that each part of the body is in a relaxed and stress free state. Resolution is always the main force behind all the works and great objectives in life. Now we need to give complete rest to the body. Also for this one has to be resolute for resting or relaxing the body.
First of all, with closed eyes, and with resolution of mind look at the thumbs and fingers of the feet, feel them totally loose and relaxed. After toes while visualizing the ankles of feet experience their relaxation too. Now visualize the calf muscles and think that my calf mussels are absolutely healthy, stress free and in a state of complete rest and then experience by the thought of relaxation the body is getting totally relaxed. As one starts
crying by thinking about sorrows, rejoices with the thought of fulfilment and the pulse starts racing with the mere feeling of prowess, in the same manner the body starts experiencing total tranquility with the mere thought of relaxation. After calf muscles, visualize the knees and experience that they are healthy, stress free and completely relaxed. Within the mind look at the thighs and experience them also to be in the state of total rest. After thighs gradually look at the upper parts of the body via. waist, abdomen and back, visualizing them with ease, experience a state of total healthiness and a state free from tension. Now peacefully, by focussing the mind on heart try to listen to the heartbeats. While listening to the symphony of heart, ponder that my heart is absolutely healthy, tension free and in a state of complete rest; there is no disorder or disease in my heart. Now relaxing the lungs and the heart, visualize your shoulders and experience them to be free from stress and in a state of total relaxation. Then one by one, visualize the arms, elbows, wrists, along with the fingers of both the hands and experience them to be in a tension free state loosen and in total rest.
Now visualize your face and think that there is no negative feeling due to any worry, tension and disappointment on my face. There is divine feeling of happiness, bliss, hope and peace on my face. There is unlimited happiness on my face including my eyes, nose, ears and mouth. Till now we have provided complete relaxation to our whole body through holy thoughts and divine resolve of our mind. Now we have to relax our mind and loosen it too. We have to even move beyond the thoughts arising in our mind. For this we have to take shelter of the soul. Think that my soul is the divine child having the attributes of eternity, purity, intellect, pristine, peace, bliss and Enlightenment. I am always complete and perennial. There is no any scarcity of things in me, and in fact I am always full of feelings and devotion. I am a supreme energy ‘God’. Though the God is the name of supreme person, yet the part of the Supreme Soul which is existent, conscious and beatitude like the practitioner with different lineages can also remember Paramätmä/Allāha/ Vähe Guru etc. according to their religious faiths. I am the son of divine supreme energy God. I am free from the bondage of nature, body, senses and mind. My real shelter is my God. Increase or decrease of materialistic prosperity does not make me a pauper, poor, orphan, master or a king. I am always in complete harmony. All the changes which are taking place are the attributes of the world, and not of my soul. In this way think about the divinity of the soul and remove your negative thinking, because negative thinking makes a person sad, worried, and stressed. Negative thinking makes a person depressed and one always seems immersed in the ocean of sorrow. Positive thinking helps a person to always remain happy, balanced, and cheerful even in the adverse situations. Therefore a person should have positive thinking not only at the time of Yoga-nidra or Savasana but at all the time. In this way, thinking about the divinity of soul in a realistic positive manner, we have given rest to the mind and now we will contemplate about the divine form of God and given complete rest to our soul.
Think that your soul has come out of the body and has established itself in the sky, above the body and viewing it as a dead body lying on the ground. That is why, this position is called Savāsana. Now devote your conscious soul to the supreme energy God who is omnipresent in the limitless sky. Imagine that your soul is getting the divine bliss of the God from all the sides. Experience the divine happiness of God’s creation. With complete devotion to the God whatever solemn pledge is taken is always fulfilled. You think about divinity of creation which is created by God and concentrating on the wonderful creation of nature think of God’s creation capability. Think that you are in the beautiful, valley of pleasing flowers, and the whole atmosphere is getting aromatic due to attractive fragrance of buds of different kinds of flowers, which pleases the mind. There is a kind of divinity all around. Each and every act of the God is worth visualising. There is no end of God’s greatness. Along with the valley of flowers, there are beautiful fruits on various trees; God has filled each fruit with different taste with his creation skills. A light breeze is flowing form all around and giving immense happiness. In this beautiful garden the birds are sweetly chirping and singing the infinite glory of God’s creation. One can see God’s lively appearance from each bud, flower and fruit. When we look at the sky it appears as if that the stars, the Moon and the Sun are like the lamps of this huge universe, which is the God’s temple, lighting every thing. The flowing rivers appear as if they are washing the feet of God. How great is the God who is infinite, endless, boundless. Oh God! Oh Father! Oh Mother! of all Creator of the universe, take me, your son, also under your shelter. Bless me with your divine bliss mother, Oh Lord! always shower your divinity, peace and light on me. I may always ponder about your divine glory and remain attached to you, and keep busy submerged in your infinite bliss. Oh God! take me away forever from worldly evil thoughts and take me in to your blissful shelter.
In this way, after experiencing the unique bliss of the divinity of God, feel again yourself present in the body. Imagine that you have returned to the body after yogic sleep. The inhalation-exahalation is continuing. Along with the breath the life giving great energy of life-force entering inside your body. Experience yourself to be healthy, happy and cheerful and in the way the body was relaxed with resolution, in the same way experience a new strength, disease free, divine consciousness and bliss in the body. Look at each part of the body from top to the toe and keep feeling and imagining each part to be completely healthy. For example, if a person has pain in the knee or back so he/she should imagine that his/her pain has been completely vanished. there is no pain in my knees and back, By God’s grace and practice of yoga because the practice of yoga cures the root cause of these diseases. The pain is being relieved. Similarly, if there is any heart or stomach ailment, think that it has been cured. If there is any blockage in the arteries or the cholesterol level is high, think that the diseases have been cured.
Resolve that my body is becoming free from all foreign matter, diseases, and deformities and I am getting healthier. With these thoughts you should experience yourself to be completed healthy both physically and mentally.
At last, experience that both the hands are totally healthy and powerful and thus rub them and put both the warm palms on your eyes and then slowly open the eyes. This is the summarized method of Yoga-nidra (Yogic Sleep) and Savāsana. If one is unable to sleep, then before going to bed, practice Savasana and relax the body and feel free of tension in the directed method, and thinking of God’s divinity, concentrate on respiration and with every breath chanting of Om-kära should be done. The meaning of Om-kara is-The God is existent, conscious and beatitude and is nothing but truthful, knowledge and blissful. I am also getting blissful by being in communion with the God. With these thoughts one should meaningfully chant Om-kāra. The speed of inhaling and exhaling should be normal. This exercise can be performed by reverse counting from 100 to 1 and with each number, chant Om, For example, Om 100, Om 99, Om 98 and so on. Chanting in this way will put you to deep sleep and you will get rid of bad dreams. In the daily Yoga practice, this asana should be done after every difficult asana for relaxation. After the end of practice, this asana should be practiced for 5 to 10 minutes.
It is easy and best for mental stress, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and insomnia. Patients suffering from these problems should practice this asana regularly.
Weakness of the nervous system, tiredness and negative thinking are cured by practicing this āsana.
The body, mind, brain and soul get complete rest, power, motivation and happiness.
The concentration power is developed.
Practising Savasana in between other asanas relieves the tiredness of the body in a very short span of time.